ETFs Explained: Key Considerations & Downsides For Investors

In recent years, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have become increasingly popular investment tools globally, offering investors a diversified way to invest in various assets like stocks and bonds.

In Singapore, ETFs have gained traction in recent years due to their convenience and broad investment opportunities. This article dives into why ETFs are favoured by investors, who prefers them, and what the future holds for these investment vehicles.

Younger investors, such as millennials and Generation Z, are particularly drawn to ETFs due to their simplicity, accessibility via online platforms, and alignment with trends favouring passive investment strategies.

Older investors, on the other hand, may favour income-generating ETFs that provide stable returns through dividends or bond yields.

Based on observation, Singaporean investors tend to gravitate towards ETFs that focus on familiar regions or themes. This ‘proximity bias’ stems from a deeper understanding of local markets, companies, and economic conditions, as well as confidence in the growth potential of the Asia-Pacific and emerging markets in Asia.

Additionally, thematic ETFs that concentrate on specific sectors such as technology, healthcare, or renewable energy also attract investor interest. These thematic choices reflect broader economic trends and investor beliefs in future growth areas.


Considerations and Potential Downsides

While ETFs offer many benefits, including diversification, liquidity, and cost-efficiency, all investments come with risks, and ETFs are no exception. Investors should be aware of potential tracking errors, where an ETF’s performance may slightly differ from the index it aims to replicate.

Factors contributing to tracking error include fees, trading costs, and the ETF manager’s ability to accurately mirror the index. This emphasises the importance of due diligence and risk management in ETF selection, which means investors need to know what and where to invest, and how to respond to market changes, especially during uncertain times.

Moreover, the risk of ETF closures remains a consideration, particularly for niche or less popular funds that struggle to attract sufficient assets under management. Investors may incur costs associated with selling their holdings and reallocating capital to alternative investment options.


Future Outlook and Challenges

Looking ahead, the popularity of ETFs may face challenges such as regulatory changes or the emergence of new technologies like blockchain, which could influence investor preferences and reduce the appeal of traditional ETFs.

Additionally, governance (ESG) factors, such as the Climate Friendly Household Programme, could influence the demand for ETFs that integrate ESG criteria into their investment strategies, attracting investors seeking to align their investments with sustainability goals.



ETFs are likely to remain a cornerstone of investment portfolios due to their versatility and accessibility. However, their continued success will depend on their ability to adapt to technological innovations, regulatory developments, and evolving investor preferences.

By understanding these trends and considerations, investors can make informed decisions about integrating ETFs into their investment strategies for long-term financial growth and stability.

For DIY investors, this requires a significant amount of time and effort to review their investments regularly and make necessary adjustments, which some may find challenging alongside other responsibilities.

Lastly, before deciding which ETFs to buy, investors should research each ETF carefully, diversify their portfolios, and ensure that the investment strategy aligns with their financial objectives.


This is an original article written by Joyce Chng, Client Adviser at Providend, the first fee-only wealth advisory firm in Southeast Asia and a leading wealth advisory firm in Asia.

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