Navigating Legacy and Estate Planning for Future Generations

9 May, Thursday | 7.30pm – 9pm


Seminar | 38 Duxton Hill, Singapore 089616​

9 May, Thursday | 7.30pm – 9pm

Reception and dinner commence at 7pm

Many often equate legacy and estate planning with either buying Universal Life Policies (ULPs) or setting up a trust. But that is really putting the cart before the horse. ULPs and trust deeds are just “products”. Legacy and estate planning or in the broader sense, end-of-life planning is about developing a strategy to define, reflect on, and express what wealth really means to a family so that not only financial wealth, but also family’s core values are passed on to future generations.

Join us in this event as Ms Cynthia Tang, Managing Partner of Tang Thomas LLC, and Mr Christopher Tan, CEO of Providend, share how you can structure solutions using the appropriate legal and financial instruments to leave behind a lasting positive legacy.

Register here and reserve your spot.

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