Nataly Ong, AWPCM

Deputy Head of Brand Experience

  • Nataly Ong
    Nataly Ong Deputy Head of Brand Experience

Nataly believes that the power pendulum has shifted and companies now need to become better listeners of their clients to build deep, authentic relationships.

In 2017, Nataly graduated from architecture school and stumbled into the finance industry with a stroke of luck.

Today, she digests complex financial information into simple, bite-sized content that communicates the brand’s message, engages the right target profile and also keeps the finance team happy.

With the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) profile of an INTP, Nataly prefers to have her work do the talking – be it a clever tagline, a controversial video or a masterful campaign, and can effectively context switch between ROI and metrics to the brand’s emotional appeal and unique voice.

Outside of work, Nataly loves forest bathing with her favourite people and dreams to open an elephant sanctuary some day in Sri Lanka.

Must-have food in my life

Garlic chilli-oil noodles with extra vinegar.

Superpower I wish I could have

Mind-reading. This would make deciding which side of the pathway to place a snail in danger of being crushed by a distracted pedestrian much easier.

A language I wish to master

Spanish. Because I am one of those destined never to roll their ‘r’s and am envious of those who can.

My favourite quote

Bloom where life plants you.

Favourite place I wish to live in

My answer would probably change if you ask me the same question again next year. Currently, it would be a bucolic Japanese country house with a backyard space my dog deserves.

Thing that makes me laugh the most

My two nephews’ innocent antics – they tickle me so much at every visit.

Insights by Nataly

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