S2E2: The Past, Present, and Future of Providend
22 years ago, a group of like-minded people with a conviction to provide conflict-free wealth advice to their clients came together and founded Providend. In this episode, our CEO, Christopher [...]
22 years ago, a group of like-minded people with a conviction to provide conflict-free wealth advice to their clients came together and founded Providend. In this episode, our CEO, Christopher [...]
Here comes the FIRST episode of Providend’s Money Wisdom Podcast Season 2! In this episode, you will get to know more about your new co-host – Isaac Ong, as he shares what he does as an [...]
This month marks the 25th anniversary of my career in wealth advisory. Time really flies. I had a good career, not that it was worry-free. Instead, it was all the crises that I have gone through [...]
In this latest episode, we are glad to have a chat with Mr Terence Quek on his journey to finding his life purpose and how he is living up to it. Terence went from the navy to entrepreneurship. [...]
Many of us were drawn to the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the events that unfolded over the weekend. It took less than 48 hours from the time that SVB announced they would [...]
相信大家都关注到了上周开始发酵的硅谷银行(Silicon Valley Bank)在 48 小时倒闭的事件,也会关心这件事是否会对自己的投资造成影响。 基于现在的信息,如果你没有投资美元创投基金或初创公司,基本不会受到影响。当然,风起于青萍之末,这件事是否会引发金融市场更大的动荡,我们会持续关注。 至于 SVB 倒闭本身,则又是一个经典的风险管理失败的案例: 1) 不够分散 SVB [...]
Like January, February continues to show a positive correlation between equities and bonds albeit in an unfavourable direction. As shown in Exhibit 1, the S&P 500, tracking US large [...]
I was recently listening to an episode of the “Rational Reminder” podcast in which Rick Ferri’s “four stages of an index investor’s education” were mentioned. (Note: if you like podcasts please [...]
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