4 Key Lessons Learnt in Legacy Planning

In all my years of meeting with wealthy families for discussions on estate and legacy planning, I have had the privilege to listen to countless stories. Some stories are inspiring to listen to, [...]


Business Exit Plan: 3 Key Considerations

One of the biggest assets on entrepreneurs’ personal balance sheets is their business. Yet, I have observed that many do not integrate it with their own personal wealth planning, depending solely [...]


How to Make Life Decisions

In 2010, after the Global Financial Crisis that caused many to lose their wealth, I had an epiphany to develop the “Philosophy of Sufficiency” for my firm. It is the philosophy that [...]


S3E1: Meet Your New Co-host, Jin Lee!

Welcome to the FIRST episode of Providend’s Money Wisdom Podcast Season 3! For this season, we are doing things a little differently in our sharing of money wisdom with you. We will be [...]


What You Possess Does Not Define You

I was born five years after Singapore’s independence. My late father came from Malacca during his teenage years to work for the Singapore Traction Company, which ran trams. It was a blue-collar [...]