How You Can Achieve Financial Wellness With Money Wisdom

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Written by Christopher Tan, CEO of Providend, this book is a compilation of broad and penetrating insights over the past twenty years. It includes content such as risk mitigation, insurance planning, retirement planning and personal finance, all of which are aimed at guiding readers to make purposeful life and financial decisions.

Watch this video as Christopher shares the three main themes of his book, which encompasses his beliefs and convictions in the aspect of financial planning the past eighteen years.

This book has received overwhelming demand before it is even out in the bookstores making it a national bestseller even before launch. Grab your copy now!

Hello everyone. Thank you very much for watching. Today, I’m very grateful and excited to be able to share with all of you the book that I have just written. It is called “Money Wisdom – Simple Truths For Financial Wellness”.

I’m excited because the idea of this book came about some five years ago but I only managed to complete it today. It is really a labour of love. And I really have a lot of people to thank, to help me with this project.

You see, this book is really a compendium of articles that I have written across different publications such as The Sunday Times, The Straits Times, The Business Times so on and so forth. And it has been written over the past eighteen years.

There are three themes in this book. The first one is about money. I believe that in the area of personal finance, this is probably one of the most comprehensively written books in the area of our personal financial planning.

It covers practice areas such as insurance, investments, will writing, cash flow, budgeting and even something for the business owners, as well as on topics that oftentimes, Singaporeans are confused with such as our CPF schemes. If you read this book, I believe that you’ll be better prepared to plan for yourself financially.

The second theme of this book is on wisdom. You see, over the last almost two decades, not only I have spent time in this industry but I’ve lived through life. And it’s my conviction that money should not be a goal. Rather it’s an enabler to our goals.

And that is why in all my previous videos and articles, I’ve always talked about first making a life decision and then let our financial decisions support that life decision. I elaborate a lot more about this in this book.

The third theme is about truths. I believe that as an end consumer, you need to know many of the practices that are in this industry. Because once you know it, it will help you better work with an adviser, or even on your own, to plan for yourself financially.

When I first wrote all these articles over the past two decades, the industry was actually upset with me. And I don’t blame them. Because while I stand by the truths and the believes and the principles and conviction of this book, I think that my tone at the time was wrong. I could have adopted a better posture.

So, in this book, I’ve rewritten those articles. Keeping to the truths and principles that I still believe in but I’ve kept the tone neutral with a better posture.

So, if you are interested to read this book, I invite you to click the link below to pre-order this book before it hit the bookstores.

Thank you very much for watching and I hope you’ll enjoy this book.

For more related resources, check out:
1. Let Your Financial Decisions Enable Your Life Decision
2. Here’s Why We Advocate Term Life Plan
3. Making A Name Through Ethical Practices

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