S2E27: Why Providend Uses the Ibbotsen-Chen Model in Our Planning Process
At Providend, in order to help our clients achieve enough returns in the most reliable way to enable their life goals and life events, we started using the Ibbotsen-Chen Model early this year to [...]
S2E23: How Does Your Wealth Adviser Value-Add Beyond Providing Monetary Incentives?
In this fast-paced financial landscape where businesses are in pursuit of faster revenue, interactions between wealth advisers and clients are highly transactional such that the value is often [...]
S2E19: The Brain Behind – The Futility of the Active Versus Passive Debate
As we appear to take a ‘passive’ approach to investing by not doing the typical tactical asset allocation (TAA) or market timing approach, many seem to think that nothing much is done [...]
S2E14: The Brain Behind – Mitigating the Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Advisory Industry
Did you know that back in 2013, a panel set up to review the financial advisory industry has rejected an outright ban on commission for financial advisers in Singapore? In this episode, Chris [...]
S2E10: The Brain Behind – Do Not Use Money Meant to Fight Inflation in the Long Term to Mitigate Inflation Now
With all the buzz surrounding Singapore Treasury Bills (T-Bills) over the past 18 months due to its rising yields, our CEO, Christopher Tan, took the opportunity to explain the nature of these [...]
S2E6: The Brain Behind – Achieving Contentment Is the Greatest Gain
In celebration of his 25 years in the financial industry, our CEO, Christopher Tan shared an epiphany he experienced 2 years after the Global Financial Crisis in a recent article he wrote for the [...]
Self-Realisations from Being a Part-Time Digital Nomad
(This article is a sequel to my previous article detailing Why I Choose to Take My Job on the Road) Beyond the simmering excitement behind the nerves for the solo adventure I was embarking on, I [...]
Why I Choose to Take My Job on the Road
For a long time, I thought it was unlikely I would have children. Not because I felt strongly that I didn’t want to but because I am not sure if I want to give myself so completely to others that [...]
Why I Quit Architecture School
Just hold on for a few more months and get the masters, they said. As December dwindles into the abyss of 2017, it is hard not to reflect on the many challenges and glories we have had to face [...]